World Politics & History
Here you will find books on World History and Politics. There are titles on the history of the United States, the Americas and the Caribbean, Africa, India and China. There are books on the politics of different countries, and biographies of world leaders and historical figures.
Showing 96 of 121 products
A Nation of Enemies - Chile Under Pinochet, by Pamela Constable and Arturo Valenzuela
£13.99 -
A Workable and Desirable World, by Arnold Freeman
£19.99 -
A Young People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn
£18.99 -
Accounting, Business and Financial History, Volume 1, Number 1, October 1990
£12.99 -
Adult Education After the War, by the Workers Educational Association (Pub. 1942)
£9.99 -
Alam-e-Niswan, Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies, Volume 3, No.1, 1996
£14.99 -
America's Own Taliban - In its own Words, by David W. Irish
£5.99 -
American Diplomacy 1900-1950, by George F. Kennan
£9.99 -
Amid A Warring World - American Foreign Relations 1775-1812, by Robert W. Smith
£9.99 -
Asian Peace, Security and Gorvenance in the Asia Pacific Region, by Majid Tehranian
£9.99 -
Atlanta and the Cuban Five, A Long March Towards Justice
£19.99 -
Bonsai - Hw To Create Your Own Collection
£39.99 -
British West Indies - The Postcard Collection, by Nigel Sadler and Sonja Arias
£9.99 -
C.L.R. James, Cricket's Philosopher King, by Dave Renton
£10.99 -
Child Welfare and Social Defence, by Tove Stang Dahl
£29.99 -
Chile: An Appraisal of Popular Unity's Agrarian Reform, by Cristobal Kay
£14.99 -
City Treasures Exhibition 1970
£6.99 -
Dylan Thomas in America, by John Malcolm Brinnin - PROOF COPY
£9.99 -
Early Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1717, by Karel Schoeman
£24.99 -
Education and Cultural Transmission: Historical Studies of Continuity & Change in Families....
£12.99 -
Edwin Romanzo Elmer as I Knew Him, by Maud Valona Elmer
£7.99 -
El Salvador Agreements: The Path to Peace
£34.99 -
Eritrea - The Way Forward
£29.99 -
Ethnic Warfare in Sri Lanka and the UN Crisis, by William Clarence
£12.99 -
Family Limitation, by Margaret Sanger (Eighth Edition, published 1918)
£90.00 -
Feeding-Weight & Obesity Abstracts, Volume 1, No.1, July 1976
£14.99 -
Fertility and the Male Life-Cycle in the Era of Fertility Decline
£19.99 -
Follow my Bangalorey Man, by Paul Byron Norris
£14.99 -
Free Land, by Arthur Arnold (Published 1880)
£29.99 -
Goethe & Steiner, by Arnold Freeman (Written for the Bi-centenary of Goethe's Birth)
£12.99 -
Hope for the Future, by Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow
£14.99 -
Human Rights begin with Breakfast, by John Madeley
£9.99 -
Improving Assessment through Student Involvement, by Nancy Falchikov
£9.99 -
In Viceregal India 1916-1921 - The Letters of Ralph Verney (Volume 2)
£13.99 -
Jailbreak Out of History, The re-biography of Harriet Tubman & The Evil of Female Loaferism
£16.99 -
John Brown, 1800-1859
£5.99 -
John Worsley, An Exhibition, December 7 to 20, 1971
£19.99 -
Josephine Onoh Memorial Lecture 1989 - International Law and International Revolution
£9.99 -
Josephine Onoh Memorial Lecture 1992 - Will the Necessity to Protect the Global Environment.....
£7.99 -
Josephine Onoh Memorial Lecture 1994 - Trusts for the Earth, by Peter H. Sand
£9.99 -
Kashmir 1947, The Origins of a Dispute, by Prem Shankar
£11.99 -
Land Reform - United Nations Report 1951
£12.99 -
Lecture Notes for the Filmstrip "Tea-Growing in Ceylon"
£24.99 -
Leibniz, Nature and Freedom, by Donald Rutherford and J.A. Cover
£12.99 -
Lords' Dreaming, The Story of the 1868 Aboriginal Tour of England and beyond
£10.99 -
Mad About the Mekong, Exploration and Empire in South-East Asia
£10.99 -
Making Adjustment Work for the Poor - A Framework for Policy Reform in Africa (World Bank 1991)
£19.99 -
Margaret McMillan - Prophet and Pioneer, The Story of Her Life and Work, by Albert Mansbridge
£9.99 -
Matthew A. Henson's Historic Arctic Journey, The Classic Account of One of the Worlds Greatest Black Explorers
£8.99 -
Maui's Mittee and the General, by Irma Gerner Burns
£10.99 -
Medical Fringe and Medical Orthodoxy 1750-1850, edited by W.F. Bynum and Roy Porter
£39.99 -
Memoirs of an Adventurous Dane in India 1904-1947, by August Peter Hansen
£14.99 -
Midwives in History and Society, by Jean Towler and Joan Bramall
£29.99 -
Modern Far Eastern International Relations, by Harley F. MacNair and Donald F. Lach
£12.99 -
Old Bulawayo, by Andrew Wilkie
£10.99 -
Old Frontier Life in North Western Rhodesia, by Gordon Shepherd
£10.99 -
On Reflection - An Amazing 15,000 Miles Tour through America and Canada, by Doris Evans
£9.99 -
On The Coca of Peru, by J.L.W. Thichum
£19.99 -
Only Human - Studies in the History of Conception of Man, edited by Arne Jarrick
£19.99 -
Outlaw - India's Bandit Queen and Me, by Roy Moxham
£11.99 -
Peace is our Answer, by Noel Counihan & others (Poetry, Published 1950)
£59.99 -
Peinture Lumiere, 29 Juin 20 Septembre 1963, Vallauris
£19.99 -
Pierre Ceresole - Passionate Peacemaker, by Daniel Anet
£29.99 -
President Lincoln - The Duty of a Statesman, by William Lee Miller
£12.99 -
Proof (Spring 1975, Issue No.3), edited by Norman Jackson
£12.99 -
Protestant Origins in India - Tamil Evangelical Christians 1706-1835
£10.99 -
Race & Class, Volume XXVIII, Winter 1987, Number 3
£14.99 -
Remembering the Armenian Genocide 1915, by Patrick Thomas
£10.99 -
Report on the War in Indo-China, by Nicholas Read-Collins
£13.99 -
Rural Development, Sector Policy Paper, World Bank February 1975
£12.99 -
Separations - Poems by Tony Flynn, introduced by Douglas Dunn
£7.99 -
Sholem Aleichem in the Theater, by Jacob Weitzner
£9.99 -
Short Stirling Mk I/III - Wingleader Photo Archive Number 7, by Jonathan Falconer
£22.99 -
Short Wave Reception and Transmission, by W. Oliver
£9.99 -
Singapore Women at the Helm, by Zhang Xina
£9.99 -
Six-gun and Silver Star, by G Shirley
£14.99 -
Sixty Tested Wireless Circuits, by F.J. Camm
£9.99 -
Somoza and Roosevelt - Good Neighbour Diplomacy in Nicaragua 1933-1945, by Andrew Crawley
£13.99 -
Starfore Map Set, by Task Force Games (INCOMPLETE. Please note one map missing)
£19.99 -
Steward or Sorcerer's Apprentice?, Volumes 1 and 2, by J.H.J van der Pot
£59.99 -
Studies in Islam, Vol.XIX, No.4, October 1982.
£9.99 -
Studies in Islam, Vol.XVIII, Nos.3-4, July/October 1981
£12.99 -
Sudan Arabic Texts, with Translation and Glossary, by S. Hillelson (1935)
£54.99 -
Techniques of Radar Reflectivity Measurement, edited by Nicholas C. Currie
£12.99 -
Telling the Bees, by Kath Mckay (POETRY)
£9.99 -
Thangliena, A Life of T.H. Lewin Amongst the Wild tribles on India's North-East Frontier
£12.50 -
The Abbeyfield Idea (Leaflet), & 5 Abbeyfield Sheffield Society donation forms
£12.99 -
The American Family - Across the Class Divide, by Yashushi Watanabe
£9.99 -
The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism, by Gerald Horne
£19.99 -
The Art of Soap making, by Alexander Watt (published 1920)
£29.99 -
The Battle of the Bulk - A Method for Macro Selection of Business Archives
£12.99 -
The British Residency in Hyderabad: An Outpost of the Raj 1779-1948, by Omar Khalidi
£14.99 -
The Cradle of our Republic - Early History of Orange and Ulster Counties, by Hamilton Fish
£14.99 -
The Freedom from Hunger Campaign in the United Kingdom, by Donald Tweddle
£12.99 -
The Growth and Role of UK Financial Institutions 1880-1962, by David K. Sheppard
£19.99 -
The Image - Social Research (International Quarterly) Volume 78, No.4