By Ciro Paoletti
Published by Helion in 2019, 216 pages. Paperback - c.18cm by 25cm (N7636)
Brand New Book
From the rear side cover: The Italian Front of the Nine Year has been completely neglected by Italian and other European Historians. It is often assumed that the conflict was fought solely in Flanders and the Rhineland, and by mainly North West European Armies. This was not so. William of Orange, the driving force of the Grand Alliance in the fight against the French, considered the Italian aspect of the conflict to be the greatest strategic importance. Piedmont, in north western Italy bordered France, and Italian armies were able to threaten the south of France with invasion. For the first time too, the nature of late 17th century warfare in Italy is considered and the author examines organisation, training and logistics. Military artist Bruno Mugnai enhances the book’s text with 8 specially commissioned colour plates that illustrate the uniforms and flags of this highly visual period.