Voices from the Past - Recollections of life in the Second World War in the Alfreton area

Voices from the Past - Recollections of life in the Second World War in the Alfreton area

Book published by the Alfreton District Heritage Trust in 2004, 66 pages. Square paperback - 21cm by 21cm (N7929)

This book collects together the wartime memories and experiences of the people of Alfreton and surrounding villages, and together they offer a fascinating insight into what life was like in this part of Derbyshire during the Second World War. Sections include:

Preparing for War
No More Seaside!
Air Raid Shelters and Gas Masks
Rationing and Registration
Shops and Shopping
Clothes Rationing
Make Do and Mend
Civil Defence
The Night the Bombs were Dropped
The Home Guard
The Army in Alfreton
Dunkirk Survivors
The British Red Cross Society
Prisoners of War at Swanwick Hayes
The Comforts Fund
War Time Work in Reserved Occupations
Women Go Out to Work
Women's Land Army
'Workers' Play Time'
Concerts at the Watchorn
Wings for Victory Week
The End of War

Condition of the book is generally very good. The cover has one or two minor scuffs and some light wear along the edges, but the spine is intact and all pages are clean, intact, unblemished and tightly bound.