Vernacular Gower

Vernacular Gower
Vernacular Gower

Book published by the Gower Society in 2003, 96 pages. Paperback (N6263)

From the foreword: Vernacular Gower evolved from a photographic survey and competition organised by the Gower Society with the intention of recording surviving aspects of traditional building in the Gower peninsula. Vernacular architecture - though some would consider the phrase oxymoronic - has been defined as "of the people, by the people, for the people"; and Bill Davies, of the Civic Trust for Wales, has recently described vernacular building as a "response to people, place, time and available materials... simple in form, unpretentious." Since time immemorial, in Gower as elsewhere, farmers and villagers have put up buildings using traditional skills and designs and employing local materials: stone, timber and thatch. The focus of the book extends a little beyond the limits of the formally designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, to include an important group of traditional buildings and features lying north of Three Crosses.

The book includes over 120 small colour photographs spread over 63 pages (this comprises the bulk of the book).

The condition of the book is generally good. The covers are clean and bright, the spine is intact, and all pages are clean, intact, unblemished and tightly bound. There is light spine roll along the left hand edge of the book, and a small price sticker on the rear side cover
Condition New