Venice - A New History of the City and its People, by Elizabeth Horodowich

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Venice - A New History of the City and its People, by Elizabeth Horodowich
Venice - A New History of the City and its People, by Elizabeth Horodowich

Published by Robinson in 2009, 250 pages. Paperback (N4391)

Brand New Book

In this colourful new history of Venice, Elizabeth Horodowich, one of the  leading experts on Venice, tells the story of the place from its ancient  origins, and its early days as a multicultural trading city where Christians,  Jews and Muslims lived together at the crossroads between East and West. She  explores the often overlooked role of Venice, alongside Florence and Rome, as  one of the principal Renaissance capitals.

And the book also assesses the position of Venice today, exploring how the resident population is falling and the number of tourists grows year on year. It also examines the threat from the rising water level and the  future of one of the great wonders of the world, and is a must read for anyone interested in this majestic city and its colouful past.....

Condition New