They Shall Not Pass, The Autobiography of La Pasionaria, by Dolores Ibarruri

They Shall Not Pass, The Autobiography of La Pasionaria, by Dolores Ibarruri

Published by International Publishers in 2005, 351 pages. Paperback (N8297)

Brand New Book

From the publishers note: The life of Dolores Ibarruri, "La Pasionaria", is a living monument to the history of Spain, an example of dedication, of deep humanism, of revolutionary fervor, and of patriotism. During Spain's most critical years, the most hope-filled ones and the saddest, Dolores has been at the side of the workers and peasants who have yearned to build, in freedom, a future of peace and democracy.

"They Shall Not Pass" is the moving, tender and simple story of this full life devoted to the cause of the poor and the exploited. It is the vivid recollection of a time gone by, miraculously recaptured with simplicity and warmth. It is also a call to the future, to the young people of Spain. "This youth is our hope," writes Pasionaria. "I am sure they will march (as they have already begun) down the only road for the ordinary people, the heroes and builders of a new life, of a new world-down the road of struggle for democracy, for peace, for socialism."