Stalybridge Pubs 1750-1990 and their licensees, by Rob Magee

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Stalybridge Pubs 1750-1990 and their licensees, by Rob Magee
Booklet published by Neil Richardson in 1991, 54 pages. A4 size booklet (N7917)

This booklet provides a fascinating history of the pubs in Stalybridge from the mid 18th century onwards, and covers over 100 public houses, taverns, hotels and alehouses. The pubs are arranged in an A to Z format, and they include the Albion, Astley Arms, Blue Bell, Bridge Inn, Buck, Bulls Head, Carriers Arms, Chapel Inn, Clarence, Crown Inn, Dog & Partridge, Eagle Inn, Foresters Refuge, Globe Inn, Golden Lion, Grapes Inn, Greyhound, Hare and Hounds, Jolly Angler, Mechanics Arms, Morning Star, New Inn, New Market Tavern, Old House at Home, Railway Inn, Rock Tavern, Royal Oak, Sand Hill Tavern, Stags Head, Stakes Inn, Stayley Hotel, Steam Engine Tavern, Stocks Inn, and many more!

Condition of the booklet is generally very good. The covers have one or two very minor scuffs but are clean and bright, the staple spine is intact and all pages are clean, intact, unblemished and tightly bound. Has an old price printed on the front cover, a small price sticker on the rear side.