On The Coca of Peru, by J.L.W. Thichum

On The Coca of Peru, by J.L.W. Thichum
Full title: 'On the Coca of Peru and its immediate principles: Their strengthening and healing powers'.

Small pocket size booklet, published by Bailliere Tindall and Cox in 1885, 42 pages. Measures c.10cm by 16cm (S8295BK)

Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Thudichum was a pioneer of British biochemistry, and a founder of 'brain chemistry'. He is credited with conducting chemical analyses of over one thousand human and animal brains, and in his research, he isolated and characterized numerous compounds of the brain. While he was alive, much of his work was ignored or dismissed, but after his death his discoveries were realized to be important scientific contributions to the study of the chemical and molecular composition of the brain.

In this short treatise he provides an account of the coca of Peru and examines the medicinal uses for cocaine.

The condition of the booklet is generally poor. The front cover is completely detached, and their is a piece torn and missing from the top right hand corner of the rear side cover. There is further nibbling and wear along the edges and corners. Inside, all pages are intact and bound. Their is foxing and yellowing throughout.