Old Frontier Life in North Western Rhodesia, by Gordon Shepherd

Old Frontier Life in North Western Rhodesia, by Gordon Shepherd

Old Frontier Life in North Western Rhodesia, by Gordon Shepherd

Published by Stenlake in 2013, 48 pages. Rectangular Paperback - 17cm by 24cm (N4967P2)

Brand New Book

The collection of photographs gathered for this book, dating from the late 19th through the early 20th centuries, is truly impressive....

The early life of settlers at Victoria Falls and along the Zambezi River is captured in all its variety. The 1899 Paris Missionary Society, the Victoria Falls Controller’s Camp, Old Livingstone Drift’s ‘Smith & James’ store and the sports day held to celebrate Christmas 1904 all combine with the excitement of the the building of the Victoria Falls Railway Bridge, the daily hazards of Crocodiles and Hippos on the river and the ever present dangers of Malaria and Blackwater fever to craft a fascinating picture of life in the early days of African settlement.

Gordon Shepherd's excellent research provides detailed captions for each of the images.

Please note their is a small price sticker on the rear side cover

Condition New