Old Bulawayo, by Andrew Wilkie
Old Bulawayo, by Andrew Wilkie
Published by Stenlake in 2014, 48 pages. Rectangular Paperback - 17cm by 24cm (N5263P2)
Brand New Book
Combining historic photographs with potted history and lengthy informative captions, this book is a fascinating pictorial history of old Bulawayo, the second largest city in Zimbawe (the former Southern Rhodesia). Although founded as recently as 1894, a large number of the original buildings have since been demolished. The early shops, offices and houses illustrated here were made of wood or metal sheeting or local bricks. Also shown are examples of the next phase of slightly more substantial structures. A street map is included to help the reader pinpoint the locations of the photos included.
Please note their is a small price sticker on the rear side cover
Condition | New |