LB&SCR Crriages Volume 3, Bogie Stock 1879-1907, by Ian White
Book published by the Historical Model Railway Society in 2019, 234 pages. Hardback - 21.5cm by 30cm (N7219)
Brand New Book
This book is illustrated throughout with lots of black and white photographs and line drawings/diagrams, and it provides a detailed account of Bogie Stock on the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway between 1879 and 1907. Contents include:
Chapter 1. The LB&SCR Bogie Carriage - Drawings and Structures
Chapter 2. Bogie and Other 8-wheeled Carriages Before 1890
Chapter 3. Arc Roofed Main Line Carriages, 1894-1905
Chapter 4. Arc Roofed Suburban Set Carriages, 1896-1900
Chapter 5. Royal and other Clerestory Carriages, 1897-1898
Chapter 6. Standard Elliptical Roofed Carriages, 1905-1907
Chapter 7. The City Limited Carriages, 1906-1907
Chapter 8. Motor Trains - 1; Elliptical Roofed Trailers, and Steam and Petrol Motor Cars, 1905-1907
Chapter 9. Supplement to Volumes 1 and 2
Appendix 1. Drawing Catalogue
Appendix 2. Bogie and Other 8-wheeled Carriages Before 1890; running numbers
Appendix 3. Arc Roofed Main Line Carriages, 1894-1905; specification ofD67/161; running numbers
Appendix 4. Arc Roofed Suburban Set Carriages, 1896-1900; running numbers
Appendix 5. Royal and other Clerestory Carriages, 1897-1898; running numbers
Appendix 6. Standard Elliptical Roofed Carriages, 1905-1907; running numbers
Appendix 7. The City Limited Carriages, 1906-1907; running numbers
Appendix 8. Motor Trains - 1: Elliptical Roofed Trailers, and Steam and Petrol Motor Cars, 1905-1907; running numbers