GWR Signalling Practice, by David J. Smith

GWR Signalling Practice, by David J. Smith

Published by the Great Western Study Group in 2019, 400 pages. Large Hardback - c.28cm by 22cm (N7218)

Brand New Book

From the rear side cover: This fresh account of latter-day GWR mechanical signalling practice commences with an historical overview tracing its development from primitive beginnings, follows with a description of operating methods then considers in detail the earlier and later patterns of signal and their variety of functions. Outside appliances and apparatus receive attention, as do signal boxes and their equipment. Treatment of the location of signals is expanded with examples of signal layouts on double and single lines, and a case study of one particular location. A range of appendices and an index complete the book, which is extensively illustrated with photographs, drawings, and diagrams.

The author is a retired chartered civil engineer who has had a lifelong interest in GWR signalling. He spent the early years of his career with BR(WR), affording him ample on-site opportunities to observe the signalling scene at close hand. His original intention of making a modest written contribution on these matters to members of the Great Western Study Group gave way to the perception that, with further research, a wider audience could beneficially be reached. The outcome was the writing of this book.