Full title: Frontnachrichtenblatt der Luftwaffe, Sonderausgabe, Die Kriegsflugzeuge der Feindmachte, Teil I: Britische Kriegsflugzeuge, Teil II: Die Kriegsflugzeuge der USA, Teil III: Die Kriegsflugzeuge der Sowjet-Union, [edited by] der Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe Fuhrungsstab IC
The title roughly translates to 'War Front instructions to the Luftwaffe, Special Edition, Warplanes of the Enemy Forces, Part 1 Britain, Part 2 USA, Part 3 Societ Union'.
Published in Germany in 1942. All text is in German.
An A4 size red card folder, containing 3 paper folders titled Teil I, Teil II and Teil III. Each of these folders are filled with loose leaf pages (some fold out) of identification details of aircraft, including profiles and photographs.
Teil I has around 140 loose pages. Teil II has around 30 loose pages. Teil III has around 48 loose pages.
The condition of the book is generally ok. The red card folder has several minor scuffs and blemishes, and a large tear in the bottom left hand corner and the outside spine. Inside, each of the three internal folders has foxing and yellowing, & some tearing in the bottom left hand corner. Some of the loose leaf pages have light nibbling, creasing and wear along the edges, as well as light yellowing.