Communism, Socialism & Anarchism
Here you will find titles on every aspect of Left Wing politics and ideology, from Communism to Socialism, Anarchism to Marxism. There are the writings of Marx and Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky, Bakunin, and many more!
Showing 59 of 59 products
100 years of Permanent Revolution, Results and Prospects, edited by Bill Dunn and Hugo Radice
£8.99 -
Alcatraz - Experiences of a Conscientious Objector in America during the First World War
£7.99 -
Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism, by Rudolf Rocker
£7.99 -
Anarchist Economics, by Abraham Guillen
£6.50 -
Anarchists, Syndicalists and the First World War, by Vadim Damier
£7.99 -
Andrea Costa and the Rise of Socialism in the Romagna, by Manuel G. Gonzales
£34.99 -
Angela Davis, An Autobiography
£20.99 -
Bakunin & Nechaev, by Paul Avrich
£5.99 -
Born Up Close, Memoirs of a Brigton Boy, by Hugh Savage
£17.99 -
Bradlaugh contra Marx, by Deborah Lavin
£9.99 -
Breaking the Bonds of Capitalism, by Roger Smalley
£16.99 -
Capital - A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production, by Karl Marx, 1908 Edition
£94.99 -
Catching Tadpoles - The Shaping of a Young Rebel, by Ronnie Kasrils
£19.99 -
Class War Conservatism and other Essays, by Ralph Milliband
£7.99 -
Claudia Jones, A Life in Exile, by Marika Sherwood
£17.99 -
Dissident Marxism, by David Renton
£9.99 -
Dynamite and Roses, by Robert Benedetti
£14.99 -
Exorcising Terror, by Ariel Dorfman
£6.99 -
Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow, by Peter Kropotkin
£12.99 -
Idle Hands, Clenched Fists - The Depression in a Shipyard Town, by Stephen F. Kelly
£13.99 -
Inside the Left, by Fenner Brockway
£22.99 -
Keir Hardie, From Serfdom to Socialism, introduced and edited by John Callow
£14.99 -
La Bande a Bonnot - Robberies and Getaways, by Ezra Brett Mell
£5.99 -
Labour at Brighton - 1969
£14.99 -
Labour Legends and Russian Gold, - Bolshevism and the British Left, by Kevin Morgan
£17.99 -
Left for the Rising Sun, Right for Swan Hunter - The Plebs League in the North East of England 1908-1926, by Robert Turnbull
£7.99 -
Lessons of Spain, by Leon Trotsky
£5.99 -
Like a Summer with a Thousand July's, and other Seasons
£29.99 -
London Recruits - The Secret War Against Apartheid, edited by Ken Keable
£18.99 -
Marxism Today, October 1967, Volume 11, No.10
£7.99 -
Marxism, The State and Revolution, by Dave Wiltshire
£4.99 -
Missionary Marxism, by Father John Meagher
£16.99 -
Our Flag Stays Red, by Phil Piratin
£15.99 -
Our Masters are Helpless, The Essays of George Barrett, edited by Iain McKay
£8.99 -
Panther Vision - Essential Party Wirings and Art of Kevin 'Rashid' Johnson
£22.99 -
Poll Tax Riot - 10 Hours that shook Trafalgar Square
£5.99 -
Problems of Common Security, edited by V Shaposhnikov
£13.99 -
Proposals for Raising a Colledge of Industry, by John Bellers
£8.99 -
Radical Salford - Episodes in Labour History, by Edmund and Ruth Frow
£12.99 -
The 1915 Rent Strikes - An East Coast Perspective, by Ann Petrie
£11.99 -
The Angry Brigade 1967-1984, Documents and Chronology, with an introduction by Jean Weir
£4.99 -
The Book of the Labour Party - Its history, Growth, Policy and Leaders, by H. Tracey (Vol.2)
£7.99 -
The Book of the Labour Party - Its history, Growth, Policy and Leaders, by H. Tracey (Vol.3)
£7.99 -
The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
£4.99 -
The Curse of Socialism, by Sir Guilford Molesworth (Published 1918)
£120.00 -
The Demands of the People, Dundee Radicalism 1850-1870, by Michael St John
£8.99 -
The First Darwinian Left, Socialism and Darwinism 1859-1914, by David Stack
£15.99 -
The Fourth International in Danger! Selected Documents 1944-1948
£8.99 -
The Hot Cold War - The USSR in Southern Africa, by Vladimir Shubin
£13.99 -
The Life of John Wheatley, by John Hannan
£14.99 -
The March to Death, Drawings by John Olday - First Published in 1943
£9.99 -
The McLibel Case and Animal Rights, by David Wolfson
£4.99 -
The Red Flag of Anarchy, by Andrew Lee
£9.99 -
The Russian Tragedy, by Alexander Berkman
£9.99 -
The Spanish Anarchists - The Heroic Years 1868-1936, by Murray Bookchin
£17.99 -
The Unemployment Business
£6.99 -
Twenty years of Europe, The Engels-Lafargue Correspondence 1868-1888
£6.99 -
We, The Anarchists - A Study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927-37
£10.99 -
Woman in the German Democratic Republic